
Posts Tagged ‘Hillary’

Wow. I’ve been extremely neglectful of this blog. Almost criminally so.

My non-profit job is working more and more closely with a community garden and up-starting farmer’s market. I’m going to try and convince some friends to band together to create a mini-CSA and rent a couple of plots together and share the produce. I’m also trying to grant-write to get some federal start-up funds for the gardens. We’ll see how that works.

I really want to grow lots of good, easy veggies this summer. Here’s a partial list of what I really want: spinach, tomatoes, basil, green beans, zucchini or squash, lettuce, snap peas, green onions, cucumbers (English, if I can manage them). And I think that’s pretty much it. Oooh! Radishes would be fun, as would carrots, though I don’t know how well carrots will grow. And potatoes, if I could manage them.

I think it’s strange that while I know global warming is a huge problem, I’m most passionate about food. Although, I think I’m also passionate about local anything. Supporting local businesses, eating local food, producing energy locally, etc. But food is good. As in, delicious. And essential to life.

I’m a disciple of Michael Pollan, though I’ve yet to read all the way through any of his three books on food. Though to be fair, I haven’t started “In Defense of Food” yet. But I bought it! It’s actually sitting right in front of me, waiting to be read. Alas, I have grants and work and Dresden Files to get done. *grin*

Anyway, I suppose I should say something about the current political climate. As in the national election and candidates for the Presidency. I have to say, I’m not a huge fan of Hillary. I was, in fact, a fan of Edwards. He was populist and progressive, which I loved. Obama has potential. If only because he represents a shift in political climate. Hillary is too old guard for me, too tied to big business, and still attached to an increasingly fumbling Bill. But Obama is not perfect either. So I am torn. I do think, however, that if Obama wins the nomination and picks Edwards as his running mate, they will have a fantastic chance. Unless, of course, the Democratic Party really fucks something up, which they’re kind of good at from time to time.

What I really want is someone reminiscent of the Roosevelts, both Teddy and FDR. I want Teddy’s conservation efforts and populism, and FDR’s social programs and talent for reaching out to the common man. I want someone who’ll do something about global warming and our crumbling foreign policy and poverty and our economic recession. I want someone who’ll tighten the belt of the defense budget without taking shortcuts with the safety of our soldiers. I want someone who’ll see the absolute stupidity of building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border while doing nothing to improve conditions for Mexican citizens. I want someone who’ll subsidize fruits and veggies, not corn and soy. I want someone who’ll go after the credit card companies and payday loan places who fleece the American public. I want someone who’ll make it easier to get a college education, not harder. I want someone who’ll fix healthcare, and make the pharmaceutical companies pay for it. I want someone who’ll do some serious trust busting, and I’m not talking about Whole Foods buying Wild Oats.

What I really want is a candidate who cares more about the people he/she serves than the coporations who fund his/her campagin. Who isn’t afraid to take on the big dogs and win. Who’s smart and sensible and fiscally responsible but also has enough juice left in him/her to dream about making America a better place.

Is that really so much to ask for? *grin*

P.S. Ralph Nader is not that person. End of story.

And now, it’s time to go to work!

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